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How to Succeed Podcast

The How to Succeed(TM) Podcast is brought to you by Sandler, the worldwide leader in sales, management, and customer service training. Find more information about Sandler at

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Sep 25, 2020

David Mattson, President and CEO of Sandler Training and 6-time Author, talks about his Wall Street Journal and BusinessWeek best-selling book, The Sandler Rules: 49 Timeless Selling Principles and How to Apply Them.

This year, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the book, Dave will revisit each of the original 49 Sandler Rules and give updated takes on their relevance to salespeople and sales leaders.

The book is on sale in the Sandler Shop, as well as, the companion books, Sandler Success Principles and The Sandler Rules for Sales Leaders in the Sandler Shop. You can also get the Kindle and Audible versions at Amazon

It is also available in Spanish here: Reglas Sandler

The How to Succeed Podcast is a public and free podcast from Sandler Training, the worldwide leader in sales, management, and customer service training for individuals all the way up to Fortune 500 companies with over 250 locations around the globe.

Get The Sandler Rules book and companion video courses for salespeople at: