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How to Succeed Podcast

The How to Succeed(TM) Podcast is brought to you by Sandler, the worldwide leader in sales, management, and customer service training. Find more information about Sandler at

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Aug 20, 2024

In this episode, we discussed the crucial importance of assessing and developing sales capacity to drive business success. We prioritized the need for sales development and defined what constitutes success in this area. We explored how assessments can uncover valuable insights into natural sales behaviors and competencies. We shared examples of effective sales development strategies and introduced the Sandler Training's Sales Capacity Assessment as a powerful tool for self-improvement and performance measurement.


00:10: Using assessments to evaluate sales capacity, identify natural behaviors, and improve development. 

05:06: Sales assessments, excuse making, and personal growth.

8:52 The Impact of Excuse Making on Sales Performance

12:13 Optimizing Sales Teams Through Benchmarking and Personalized Development

22:50 Balancing Strengths and Weaknesses in Personal Development

25:25 Defining Success and Overcoming Challenges in Business


Key Takeaways: 

  • Assessments play a crucial role in avoiding costly hiring mistakes, providing accurate information about a candidate's natural behaviors and sales competencies.

  • Benchmarking sales competencies help identify areas for development and tailor training programs to enhance sales team performance effectively.

  • Understanding the balance between behavioral tendencies and skill development is key to maximizing individual and team success in sales roles.

  • Excuse index scores offer valuable insights into sales professionals' focus on sales activities, highlighting areas for improvement and increased productivity.

  • Utilizing individual learning paths based on assessment results can lead to




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